Bloody Shop

Bloody Shop

Platforms : Windows, PlayStation
Add-on date : March 20, 2024
  1. 5
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(575 vote, Rating: 4.9 out of 5)

Bloody Shop Mod for V Rising

Details :

Bloody Shop: Establish Your Marketplace in V Rising

Embark on a retail adventure with the Bloody Shop mod for V Rising, allowing you to set up and manage your very own store within the game. Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or trade goods, this mod provides a convenient platform for players to engage in commerce and enhance their gaming experience.

Key Features:

  • Store Creation: Establish a shop within V Rising, complete with a variety of customizable options.
  • Currency Integration: Seamlessly incorporate different currencies into your store, such as Silver Coins, to facilitate transactions.
  • Item Management: Add, remove, or adjust products in your store with ease using simple commands.
  • Inventory Stock: Maintain inventory levels and set stock quantities for each item to manage supply and demand.
  • Buffs and Enhancements: Offer special buffs or enhancements for purchase to give players an edge in their adventures.
  • Client UI: Optionally install the client-side UI for easier store management and navigation.

Usage Examples:

  • Add Currency: .shop currency add “Silver Coin” -949672483 true
  • Add Item: .shop add “Silver Currency” -949672483 1 1 1 100 1 false
  • Add Buff: .shop add Cursed 1425734039 1 1 1 1 true

Set up shop, trade goods, and become a renowned merchant in V Rising with the Bloody Shop mod!

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FAQs :

  • Are mods allowed in V Rising?

    Yes, there is a limited amount of mods available for V Rising.

  • Is V Rising a horror game?

    No, V Rising is not a horror game. It is an open-world survival game where players take on the role of a vampire building their castle and managing their minions in a dark fantasy setting.

  • Is V Rising complete?

    While V Rising remains in a state of continuous evolution, the highly anticipated 1.0 Update, scheduled for release in the second quarter of 2024, represents a significant stride towards the game's ultimate vision. This milestone signifies the integration of player feedback and the fulfillment of the developers' original design, ushering in a comprehensive gaming experience.

  • What is the highest level in V Rising?

    The maximum Gear Score in V Rising is 80, although certain bonuses can push it to 81. After this, progress depends on strategy and skill.

  • Is V Rising better solo or multiplayer?

    V Rising offers a fulfilling experience in both solo and multiplayer modes. Solo play provides ample content and an immersive atmosphere. For those preferring to avoid PvP interactions, PvE servers offer a toxicity-free environment, where occasional encounters with other players contribute to a lively world without obligatory interaction.

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